Sunday, June 23, 2024

Franz Pieper on Using the Title "Father" for Ministers of the Gospel

The complaint over people using the title "father" in reference to pastors is a perennial canard. I personally don't use it as it hasn't been common in American Lutheranism, but there isn't anything intrinsically wrong with it. 

The Large Catechism teaches that pastors are spiritual fathers and that should be enough to stop the silliness of interpreting Jesus as if He doesn't want Christians to ever call anyone "father." Perhaps my favorite response is to ask the complainer if he also refuses to call his dad "father." 

If a Lutheran pastor is actually Romanizing or developing Easternizing tendencies, identify and deal with the substance of the problem. 

I've been called a "bronzie" more than once, and I obviously love "old Missouri." But if you're out bronzing Franz Pieper in a translation by J. T. Mueller, you've got a problem. 

Here's Franz Pieper on the subject: